We offer our clients a full-service, 360 VR workflow, app development, interactive media and everything ranging from AR to MR. Our focus is always squarely on the story. Our directors, AR and VR experts are on hand to assist the first brainstorming and story-setting, through to shooting, advanced stitching, retouching and finishing.
Our OM-mission is to provide our clients and partners with the latest high-grade technology, to create immersive media like the world has not seen before.
The general level of interest in virtual reality and augmented reality has never been higher. From a niche subject, it has quickly developed into a mainstream, cross-sector trend. According to a survey commissioned by nextMedia.Hamburg, one in three Germans will already have their own VR headsets.
Of course, we don’t see it as a transient trend – it’s here to stay, and will help build the future. We’re excited to be part of that!
Between VR and MR, AR has the strongest impact on society. Whether in medicine, industry, sales, IT or education (…) in the near future it will be hard to find any areas without the use of AR. Augmented Reality has become socially relevant. And it will transform our everyday life.
Let’s build our future together, because transforming matters!
Selected Works
We’re always keen for a cOMversation about your special VR request!
Drop us a line, give us a call, send us a telegram or carrier pigeon!