OMSTUDIOS is a full-service creative media production company.
Founded in 2007, we have since acquired numerous opportunities to collaborate with established and respected international brands.
Our global clients include Volkswagen, Daimler, Vodafone, FIFA, the BBC, educational facilities and Hollywood heavyweights.

Our vision has always been to appreciate and facilitate the whole media production journey, from idea to premiere.
That’s why we have our own FILM, DESIGN, VFX and POST-PRODUCTION departments.
We apply a unique creative approach during every production step and strive to continually transform production processes using cutting-edge technology and workflows.

What We Do


Our experienced FILM crew paints the cinematic pictures, their weapons of choice ranging from RED Epics and Dragons to JimmyJib arms, Steadicams – the works – oh, and that new kid on the block Virtual Reality.


Our DESIGN team designs anything from corporate, motion, graphic, on air, screen to media design. If it can be designed (or not!), we’ll come up with snazzy concepts, set them in motion and make them your reality. (180º cinema screen? 8k? 50p? Consider it done!).


Our VISUAL EFFECTS wizards create the magic in all types of 3D animation, compositing, 3D tracking, you name it, we do it! With a flick of the magic wand, our guys cast their spells and make the unthinkable come alive! We also get the Hollywood guys in...


Last but not least, our POST-PRODUCTION team cuts, edits, grades and wraps up the whole package with all the bells and whistles (and right on time for Christmas!).

We consider open knowledge essential for impacting on regional and global development and regularly advise industry and educational institutions, offering our expertise and giving talks on future technologies and virtual reality.

OM Studios Panorama